What are the best ways to practice sun safety?

Photo by Moose Photos from Pexels

It’s Memorial Day Weekend, which means some of you will be soaking in some much-needed rays after going a long winter without. And while you’re busy enjoying all of that extra sun, you’re most likely thinking about your soon-to-be golden glow and not the long-term effects that can last well after your summer tan fades. 

Ultraviolet rays damage the elasticity that keeps skin firm, causing fine lines and wrinkles. So much so that up to 90% of skin’s aging is caused by sun damage over time. And while we’ll never discourage a little fun in the sun, we’re happy to provide a fews tips on doing it safely. 

Apply Sunscreen
While this might seem like a no-brainer, it’s important to lather up correctly. Start your day by applying both a facial moisturizer and lip balm that’s SPF 15 or more. Do this every day, even when cloudy.

Because we’re exposed to the sun frequently in small doses, whether it’s driving to work or walking to grab a morning coffee, it’s good to have that extra layer of protection. Also, be sure to be extra careful if you’re taking any medications that make you more sensitive to the sun. 

Invest in a broad spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher that protects you from both UVA and UVB radiation and while you’re at it, check your sunscreens from last season to make sure they’re not expired. When applying, be thorough and be sure to reapply every two hours or every hour if sweating or swimming. While using a spray, do so generously and rub it in afterwards to ensure consistency. 

Cover up … but make it fashion 
Sunglasses and wide brim hats don’t just give your beach look a bit of glamour, they’re actually quite effective at protecting you. If you’re on the beach, be aware that both the water and sand reflect the sun, increasing your chances of burning, so pack an umbrella and a cute long-sleeved cover up to keep you both stylish and safe. 

Timing is everything 
The sun’s rays are strongest from 10 am - 4 pm, so this is the time that it’s most vital to practice the sun safe tips mentioned above. If you’re worried you’ll get a little too caught up in the magic of Memorial Day Weekend, set an alarm to remind you to reapply sunscreen or step into the shade for a bit. And while you’re busy enjoying the unofficial start of summer, don’t forget to hydrate. 

