Aqua、甘油、甜菜碱、海藻糖、丙二醇、PEG/ppg/聚丁二醇-8/5/3 甘油、β-葡聚糖、大黄提取物、酵母菌发酵滤液、乙酰谷氨酰胺、聚谷氨酸钠、透明质酸钠、产碱杆菌多糖、褐藻糖胶孢子果提取物、1,2-己二醇、辛基异羟肟酸、尿囊素、羟基苯乙酮、精氨酸、黄原胶、乙二胺四乙酸二钠
Step 1
Open the sachet and remove the mask
Step 2
Face the shiny layer outward
Step 3
Once applied remove the pearlescent layer
Step 4
Smooth out any remaining wringkles or bubbles
Step 5
Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes
Step 6
After time is up remove the mask
Step 7
Pat in any remaining essence for fast absorption
Step 8
Gently rince the face