Saving your skin during the holidays

The holidays, while times of celebration and joy, can also be filled with overindulgence, travel, and stress, which can be the perfect recipe for breakouts. While it’s important to enjoy yourself this season, there are ways to work in some extra self care steps to keep your skin glowing just as brightly as the holiday lights. Here are a few things that’ll help:
Keep your skin clean
Wearing extra makeup (not to mention forgetting to take it off) hinders your skin’s natural exfoliation process, leaving you with a dull-looking complexion. Be diligent to remove all of your makeup and then use a gentle cleaner to eliminate the threat of clogged pores.
Protect yourself from the elements
Tis the season for dry skin and chapped lips, so be sure to exfoliate often and keep lip balm and hyaluronic acid in your daily routine. And although you might not be thinking about the sun this time of year, don’t forget to continue to apply sunscreen, especially if you’re going to hit the slopes.
Combat Overindulgence
We’re not saying to avoid the endless tables of pies and cookies and the wine to match, but try to focus on healthier options in between the indulgences. Eat nutrient-dense meals on your own time and drink a lot of water. Consider also adding a detoxifying mask here and there to your routine.
Hit Snooze
Although you might have some time off during the holidays, you’re most likely busier than ever between prepping and celebrating. Don’t forget to leave some time for hitting your pillow to combat those dark circles and under eye bags. Under eye masks are a great way to give the area a shot of hydration. Put them in the fridge for a cooling sensation.
Manage Stress
While they’re meant to be times of joy and togetherness, the holidays have a way of bringing on stress. The best gift you can give yourself is to take time to slow down and escape the hustle and bustle. Go on a run, do some yoga, meditate, or read a book. It will not only help your skin glow, but it’ll be better for your overall health as well.
Keep up with your routine
Finally, keep up with your skincare routine. While it may seem obvious, it’s really easy to put on the wayside when you’re extra tired or traveling. This also isn’t the time to introduce new products to your routine, in case you react poorly. Finally, be sure to continue using your Deminuage Nanopen to ensure the active ingredients in your favorite serum work 20x harder to keep you glowing in your family photos.
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